Seventy Times Seven

Seventy Times Seven

About a month ago, someone told me he looked at the sky seven times every day. He said it calmed him down and smoothed out anxieties. It wasn’t a spiritual thing. He called it “a way to spend time with myself.” Since then, I’ve tried to look at the sky more often....
Top Ten

Top Ten

Who knew when we’d see each other again, with the pandemic rolling in and the economy flipping belly-up, with graduation and wedding and career plans scattering in the air like confetti.



“Brothers in Christ, babe! Us two, we is just brothers, man. Brothers. Hey, you got any of those cans or bottles lyin’ around?”

the post calvin: Essays 2016–2019

the post calvin: Essays 2016–2019

In this collection of essays, forty-four Calvin University graduates under thirty years old share the most interesting and intimate parts of their twenty-first-century lives. Co-editing, book design, and typesetting by Josh deLacy.

De-Centering Prayer

De-Centering Prayer

I’ve peed behind dumpsters, on beaches, in alleys, gardens, parking lots, yards—and yet I was here, in this bathroom, I-can-pee-anywhere-ing in a space created for people who can’t.

Josh deLacy