
I have presented about my two-month hitchhiking journey, Traveling on Trust, at universities, Rotary clubs, senior centers, and other venues across the country.

For Boeing’s Northwest 2020 Case Competition, I coached the University of Washington’s first-place team on public speaking and presentation strategy. I was also a panelist at Calvin University’s Festival of Faith of Writing, and I have guest lectured on the topic of social media marketing for Calvin University’s class E365, “Digital Writing.”

Within the Episcopal Church, I was elected to represent the Diocese of Olympia as a lay deputy to the 2021 General Convention. I have also led presentations at the Diocese of Olympia’s 2019 Annual Convention, served as a trail guide for the Youth Creation Care Pilgrimage, and preached at St. Luke’s Church in Renton.

Speaker Request

For inquiries about my rates and availability to speak about hitchhiking, writing, outdoor recreation, the natural world, faith, or digital marketing.

Josh deLacy